Have you noticed that functioning in general is harder? Learn why visiting an optometrist may help you find the source of the problem.

What To Expect From Your Upcoming Cataract Surgery

11 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Your eye doctor has recommended cataract surgery to clear up your blurry vision. This is a common procedure from which you'll quickly see results. Your ophthalmologist's office will be happy to answer any questions you have, but here are answers to some of the most common questions people have about this procedure. Will I have to stay in the hospital? Cataract surgery is done as an outpatient in your doctor's office. Read More …

3 Tips For Caring For Your Contact Lenses

11 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are a just starting out with contact lenses, then you may feel excited about having them, but somewhat unsure about the best way to care for them. While different brands of contacts are going to have some different care instructions, there are certain things that you can do to ensure that your contacts stay in good condition for as long as possible. This article will discuss 3 great, yet simple, tips for caring for your contact lenses. Read More …

Three Eye-Related Symptoms That Indicate The Need To Visit Your Ophthalmologist

11 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Even if you don't wear glasses or contacts and haven't noticed any issues with your quality of sight, it's a good habit to schedule one visit with your ophthalmologist about every two years. Doing so will allow this health professional to evaluate your vision but also get an early warning sign of any issues with your eyes. Beyond these regular checkups, it can be crucial to make an appointment with the ophthalmologist right away if you notice something about your vision that doesn't seem correct. Read More …

3 Safety Tips For Special Effects Contacts

11 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Wearing special effects contacts that change your eye shape and color is a fun way to alter your appearance. It can be a daily fashion statement or the finishing touch that really makes your Halloween costume stand out. However, to protect your vision and overall eye health, you want to make sure that you're wearing them safely. While special effects contact lenses aren't necessarily unsafe, they're more likely to be misused than ordinary contacts, and this can lead to eye damage. Read More …